Passion. Serving. Community and Lives.

Do you have a group who is interested in learning more about finances and financial management? No matter the age, or size of the group, Blessed Financials has created simplistic and engaging curriculum to foster impactful, lifelong strategies to be financial astute.


Financial literacy is the knowledge of how to make smart decisions with money. This includes preparing a budget, knowing how much to save, deciding favorable loan terms, understanding impacts to credit, and distinguishing different vehicles used for retirement (Investopedia, 2023).

What is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy refers to the knowledge and understanding of various financial products. It helps individuals manage their money, personal finances, investment, and tax planning. Its primary purpose is safeguarding individuals from financial frauds and scams (Wall Street Mojo, 2023)".

It is crucial for the realization of long-term goals—a child’s higher education, buying a house, or establishing a business. It highlights emergency funds, retirement funds, insurance, and estate planning. Educating one individual creates a chain reaction—creating awareness among friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, clients, etc.